
Thom’s Tips

In this column, I will attempt to clarify easily confused words and expressions and help take your translation and rewriting skills to a higher professional level. By understanding the nuances of English usage, your writing and translating will become clearer and more accurate. Note that I recommend the most common usage, which would sound natural to native readers, and NOT (×) awkward sounding usage. In some cases(×/○), what is grammatically correct according to the experts may not be what is most commonly used nowadays. Language is fluid and dynamic, so dictionaries usually only reflect the most common usage of the past few decades.



Today’s Usage Point: since vs. ever since
“since”と”ever since”の使い分け
(Note: Placement within the sentence is a key point.)

1. Easiest usage: “Since” as a conjunction meaning “Because” or “As.”

Ex. Since it’s raining heavily, you’d better take a large umbrella with you.
× Ever since it’s raining heavily, I’d better use a large umbrella.

Ex. Don’t forget to buy a gift in Hakone since it’s a custom in Japan to give souvenirs to colleagues.
× Don’t forget to buy a gift in Hakone ever since it’s a custom in Japan to give souvenirs to colleagues.

2. Usage with caution: “Since” as a preposition or conjunction meaning continuously between a time in the past and now or between two times in the past.

Ex. Since last night, I’ve had a pounding headache.
● “ever since”も使えます。
Ever since last night, I’ve had this ringing in my ear.

Ex. Since graduating, he’s seen his old school only once.
● “ever since”も使えます。
Ever since graduating, she’s seen her old school only once.


Ex.I've been here since nine this morning.
●“ever since”が使える場合と使えない場合があります。
(○/×) I’ve been here ever since nine this morning.

Use “ever since” here only if it is surprising for you to have been somewhere since nine. At work, it would be unsurprising, but at a bus stop, the usage would fit.

(9時からずっとそこにいたことが、あなたにとって驚くような状況であれば、ever sinceを使えます。たとえば、仕事で9時からずっとそこにいたのなら、驚くようなことではないでしょう。しかし、バス停にずっといたと言うのなら、ever sinceがぴったりな状況です。)

Ex. It was the third time I had phoned since I found out. 
●“ever since”が使える場合と使えない場合があります。
(○/×): This is the third time I have phoned ever since I found out.

(“Ever” would probably be dropped here because it implies a greater time span between then and now or the two events. “Ever” would give the reader the idea that more emphasis is being placed on the finding out rather than the third call. You probably found out about “the something above” a short while ago.)

(everは、2つの出来事の間の時間がとても長いことを示唆します。ですから、ever は使われないことが多いでしょう。everを使うとすれば、「何か重要なものを少し前に見つけた」ことを強調したいときです。ever では「三度目の電話である」ということより、何かを「見つけた」ことを、強調します。)

3. Usage with nuance: “Since” as an adverb meaning between then and now or continuously.

Ex. Since I first tried sushi, I’ve loved it.

比較: Ever since I first tried sushi, I’ve loved it. (This sentence shows more emphasis on the fact.)

Ex. They refused to negotiate at first but have since agreed to do so.
× They refused to negotiate but have ever since agreed to do so.


Ex. I met her in 2009, but I haven’t seen her since.
× I met her in 2009, but I haven’t seen her ever since. (The time period is not surprisingly long.)

Ex: He was elected president in 2000, and he has been president ever since.
× He was elected in 1987, and he has been president since. (Acceptable: “…since then.”)
     (since thenならばOKです。)

4.Less common usage: “Since” meaning “from” with surprise or anger.
   4.驚きや怒りをもって「~以来」を表す (あまり使われません)

Ex. Since when have you eaten beef? I thought you were a vegetarian!

Ex. Since when do you eat beef? (Surprised at that fact, in conversational English)
× Ever since when have you eaten beef?

I hope this has helped you become better translators. See you next time!


Top Translators Are Sure To Know:

Do the following demonstrate good usage? If not, improve the sentences.




  1. Ever since you told me about your divorce, I’ve felt very sorry for you.
  2. I met him in 2009 and haven’t seen him ever since.
  3. Ever since I failed the university entrance exam, I couldn’t enter university.
  4. She said no yesterday but has ever since changed her mind.
  5. Don’t point with your chopsticks ever since it is considered rude.
  6. I’ve loved San Francisco since I moved here in 1988.
  7. “Ever since when do you golf?” she asked with surprise.
  8. I’ve loved living here since I actually moved into this apartment to be close to my best friend who lives next door.
  9. I’ve been coughing ever since five minutes ago.
  10. Since the first of the month, he’s been feeling ill.



  1. Good usage.
  2. Use “since” instead of “ever since.”
  3. Use “haven’t been able to” instead of “couldn’t.” Or use “Since” instead of “Ever since.”
  4. Use “since” instead of “ever since.”
  5. Use “since” instead of “ever since.”
  6. Use “ever since” because of the great length of time between 1988 and now and note the placement of “since” in the sentence. It does not mean “because” unless some context indicates otherwise.
  7. Use “Since” instead of “Ever since.”
  8. Good usage.
  9. Use “since” instead of “ever since.” More common usage: “I’ve been coughing for five minutes (now).”
  10. Good usage, but more common usage might be: “He’s been feeling ill since the first of the month.“


  1. 正しい英文です。
  2. “ever since”の代わりに、“since”を使います。
  3. “couldn’t”の代わりに、“haven’t been able to”を使います。または、“Ever since” の代わりに、“Since” を使います。
  4. “ever since”の代わりに、“since”を使います。
  5. “ever since”の代わりに、“since”を使います。
  6. “since”の代わりに、“ever since”を使います。1988年から今までは、長い時間が経っているからです。sinceが文中で置かれている位置に注意して下さい。文脈がそうと示していない限り、sinceは「~なので」という意味になりません。
  7. “Ever since” の代わりに、“Since” を使います。
  8. 正しい英文です。
  9. “ever since”の代わりに、“since”を使います。より一般的な表現は”I’ve been coughing for five minutes (now).”です。
  10. 正しい英文です。より一般的な表現は“He’s been feeling ill since the first of the month. ”です。